Introduction Netflix, the streaming giant that undoubtedly revolutionized home entertainment, is facing a dilemma. Subscriber growth has stagnated, competition is fierce, and the danger of password sharing looms large. In response, Netflix has announced plans and put...
What are crowdfunding platforms? Crowdfunding is a dynamic online funding mechanism. It has burgeoned into one of the most rapidly expanding industries worldwide. By leveraging online platforms, individuals and startups secure financial backing for diverse projects....
Introduction Pop culture, like blockbuster movies and our obsession with celebrities, can impact everything from the clothes we wear to the food we eat. And, as new data shows, it can also influence the stocks we buy. Investing platform Public’s recent retail...
Beyond the Masks: Charting the Global Economy’s Recovery The years 2020 and 2021 brought upon an unprecedented upheaval in all spheres of life. With nearly 700 million citizens fighting the deadly disease, world economies weren’t keeping up either. Coupled with...
Snapshot Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual form of currency that relies on cryptographic techniques for secure financial transactions, control the creation of new units, and verify the transfer of assets. The name “Cryptocurrency” is formed using ‘Cryptography’...
Introduction Every country requires countless natural resources but in more ways than one oil is an indispensable resource. The price and availability of oil has an impact on the economic growth of a country and the price of oil is impacted by economic growth, thus...
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