IFSA Network

Our Chapters’ Publications

The price India pays for a single time zone

India's single time zone costs it roughly ₹29,000 crores each year! Geographically, India is the second-largest country that does not have multiple time zones. Australia, the 6th largest country, has 3 main time zones. Russia, the largest country, has 11. France,...

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Interest rate battling inflation : An analysis

As the global economy continues to endure unforeseen economic bottlenecks, it becomes crucial for central banks and governments to resort to important policy containments (monetary, fiscal, and income) to moderate inflationary pressures. Meanwhile, to achieve...

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What Makes Singapore So Wealthy?

The city-state is grouped as one of the Four Asian Tiger economies for its economic boom since the rapid industrialisation of the mid-1960s. In just three decades from 1960 to 1990, Singapore’s income per capita increased by a factor of 28 from $427 to $11,864, a rate...

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Energy Crisis in India

In 2021, India faced a severe energy crisis, with coal stocks falling to unprecedentedly low levels. Coal-fired plants generate 72% of the country's electricity. Government data shows that as of 6th October 2021, 80% of India’s 135 coal-powered plants had less than 8...

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Impact of Climate Change on the Financial Sector

Climate change is one of the most prominent issues of the twenty-first century which is rapidly spreading its frightening branches and is taking a toll on the functioning of each and every sector of the economy. Even the financial sector is not spared from the...

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